Opportunities in the Geha Group
- Graduate Students: First year graduate students in the Yale Astronomy program are required to do two short research projects before starting their PhD thesis research. Please contact to discuss first or second year observing projects.
- Yale Undergraduates: Yale undergraduate students often do original research. Yale provides many opportunities for research funding, including the STARS program and summer funding available through each residential college.
- Undergraduates Beyond Yale: The Dorrit Hoffleit fellowship provides undergraduate science majors in Astronomy, Astrophysics, or Physics, in their 2nd or 3rd year of undergraduate study the opportunity to spend the summer working as a researcher in Astronomy at Yale.
- Postdoctoral Scholars: Yale provides excellent support for externally-funded fellowships (e.g., Hubble or NSF AAP Fellows), and the Geha group is happy to host such fellows. The YCAA Prize Fellowship provides funding for fellows at Yale, and such fellows are welcome to join the Geha group. Additionally, postdocs are hired directly by the group as funding allows.
Advice and Links for Incoming Members
- Expectations: A detailed description of expectations and the philosophy of research from Kay Tye. I strongly support the ideas expressed on this page.
- Yale Postdoc Guide: Handbook for incoming postdocs, good information for incoming graduates student as well.
- Getting Started: Undergraduate and graduate students starting research with the group are asked to complete the first lab on the ASTR 330 class website or the two homework problems available on the ASTR 530 class website: Isochrone fitting (HW#2, problem 3) and Using the Besancon models (HW#3 problem 7).
- The Cupcake Rule: Any member of the Geha group who posts a journal article as a lead author on astro-ph is entitled to homemade cupcakes at research group meeting.